Our Approach

Holistic Approach to Energy Talent

The conversation surrounding the energy industry have become increasingly complex. While tribalism has led to very specific camps within the landscape, we stand by the opinion that technological innovation sound business principles will lead to optimal solutions. Some of these innovations will be novel to the energy landscape, while others will improve efficiencies, output and safety in the existing infrastructure.

As believers in an all of the above energy strategy, we see no dynamic tension in improving the existing landscape while expounding on the possibility of the future. Our approach to talent in this space spans capital structures, stage of technology, and position in the value chain: we believe there is a necessary level of cross-pollination of leadership to ensure best practices are ultimately delivered to the best technology moving forward.

The energy industry has a strong track record of innovation and finding better ways to address growing needs. Understanding of and exposure to all pieces of the value chain and the underlying talent is our value proposition; this approach and mindset is unrivaled in the market.


Innovative Challenges Require an Innovative Approach

Our combined approach maximizes the optionality of the candidate pool by approaching searches through a lense of fascilitating decision making by understanding the variation in attributes that candidates bring based on their mindset and backgrounds.

We never start a project with “calibration profiles” as assuming we know exactly what you are looking for before we delve into the nuance is more posturing than productive.

We partner on all projects together to maximize responsiveness to clients and ensure you receive the highest level of service. We hold strong conviction that every client we take on is critically important to us. When we parter with client, our reputation is on the line; it is critical for our clients to know we take accountability and will personally shephard you through the process.
